Radionica EPE
4. radionica u okviru EPE projekta
Studenti Sveučilišta u Zagrebu Grafičkog fakulteta, Sara Iva Merlić, Ema Lovrić, Rebeka Šćulac, Filip Marjanović i Katrin Veselinović te izv. prof. dr. sc. Tomislav Cigula su od 9. – 13. prosinca 2024. sudjelovali na četvrtoj radionici u okviru EPE projekta (više o projektu na Radionica je održana na Pagori (School of Paper and Printed Communication Engineering, INPG) u Grebnobleu.
Na radionici su sudjelovali studenti i nastavnici s četiri institucije partnera, ESAD GV (École Supérieure d’Art et Design de Grenoble/Valence), Sveučilištem ekonomije, odjel grafičkog dizajna iz Izmira, Turska, našeg fakulteta te domaćina, Pagore.
Tijekom prvog dana upoznali su se s ustanovom domaćina te osnovama tiskarske reprodukcije s naglaskom na upravljanje bojama te tehnikama rastriranja. Drugoga dana provedene su praktične vježbe s izradom ICC profila za različite tiskovne podloge te dva digitalna tiskarska stroja. Nakon tog uvoda, studenti su podijeljeni u četiri međunarodne grupe od kojih je svaka imala svoju temu: uključivanje i eksperimentiranje s ICC profilima, simulacija/eksperimentiranje s različitim parametrima rastriranja, eksperimentiranje sa separacijama boja te izrada programskog rješenja za vizualizaciju promjene rastriranja.
Posljednjeg dana organizirana je prezentacija izrađenih rješenja, nakon čega je provedena diskusija o radionici i budućim koracima.
Sudjelovanje u ovoj radionici omogućilo je studentima, ali i nastavnicima stjecanje dragocjenog iskustva u rješavanju projektnih zadataka s kakvima se nisu susretali, te suradnju unutar međunarodne grupe studenata s različitim predznanjima, pristupu temi i komunikacijskim vještinama.
4th workshop of the EPE project
Students of the University of Zagreb Faculty of Graphic Arts, Sara Iva Merlić, Ema Lovrić, Rebeka Šćulac, Filip Marjanović and Katrin Veselinović, and assoc. prof. Tomislav Cigula were participating in 4th workshop of the EPE project (more about the project can be seen on The workshop was held from December 9th. – 13th, 2024. at Pagora (School of Paper and Printed Communication Engineering, INPG) in Grenoble, France. Students and teachers from four partner institutions ESAD GV (École Supérieure d’Art et Design de Grenoble/Valence), İzmir University of Economics, Department of Visual Communication Design, Turkey, our faculty and the host, Pagora were participating in this workshop.
During the first day, teachers and students from the host institution have showed guests the facility and the basics of print reproduction with an emphasis on colour management and screening techniques. On the second day, practical exercises were conducted to create ICC profiles for various printing substrates and two digital printing presses. After this introduction about the key topics of the workshop, the students were divided into four international groups, each of which had its own topic: inclusion and experimentation with ICC profiles, simulation/experimentation with different screening parameters, experimentation with colour separations, and creation of a software solution for visualizing screening changes.
On the last day, a presentation of the developed solutions was organized, followed by a discussion about the workshop and future steps.
Participation in this workshop allowed students, as well as teachers, to gain valuable experience in solving project tasks that they had not encountered before, and to collaborate within an international group of students with different prior knowledge, approach to the topic, and communication skills.
Nekoliko fotografija s radionice:
A few photos from the workshop: